Friday, April 23, 2010

Is the gym like a meat market?

I haven't been a member of a gym since Bally Total Fitness burned me horribly in 2006. They fraudulently lured me into a 3-year contract and it ended badly (with me giving them hundreds of dollars to save my credit score). I googled it then and you could probably see even now that I'm not the only one. They've done it to thousands of consumers.
So the other day I got a free 3-day (in a row) pass to L.A. Fitness so that Jupinko (a fellow Satin Doll) and I could get a workout in and then I could teach her some tap dances. She told me she was a "slow learner" but I'd like to note here that she is not.
They made me answer some questions and take a test, which told me I'm in fair to poor health! At the time, I was like "Oh my goodness" but looking back, I think that is one of their tactics for getting you to sign up for membership... The guy took me on a grand tour of the gym, which really cut into my workout/practice time but I completely understood. When he finally cut me loose I had 10 minutes on a machine - believe me, I still got some serious sweat going after how long it's been since I hurt my back! Then Jupinko and I rushed into the big empty dance class room to practice.
I couldn't go on Thursday and I went back today (my final day) on my own.
What I marveled at, and even now can't believe, is how many rows and rows of machines there were. How many perfectly-chiseled, sweating bodies were in there, checking each other out, not really talking to each other (unless they were friends). I understand it goes with the territory of being an actor and living in Hollywood - I get it. And yes, I want to have a good body, be in good shape, feel good, but I don't want to have to spend the time earning that physique in front of 230219820 strangers. The machine I got on Wed. smelled like the worst kind of b.o. and I got on it again today and it still smelled that way - I wiped it down a couple of times cause I just couldn't bear it today. The other day I was at least with a buddy and it made working out so much more bearable. But today I felt uncomfortable, alone, judged. I felt like "Oh, they're all wondering why I'm wearing a tie-dyed shirt." "Why did I wear these shorts?" "I can't wait to get out of here."
It made me kind of resolve to continue my "boycotting of gyms" simply because they're not an Adrian-friendly zone. People aren't smiling and being friendly. They're sweating and exchanging with you at the very least a quick glance. And I don't have a tight enough butt or a thick enough skin to carry my head high in there. Not yet. Maybe some day.
F.Y.I The tour guide/You're-in-poor-health guy just called me and told me a special discount offer just became available today so call him back asap! - - forgive me if that kind of phone call reminds me of Bally politely calling Mr. Adrian Borden while they punched me in the face.
Sorry for the bitter feelings, folks but I'll stick to "walks in the park" and at-home ballet barre for now : )

1 comment:

  1. LA is not a place I would love to be but a gym in Hollywood might be my top uncomfort zone pick. If you feel weird there image how the rest of us would feel lol. Portland has a bunch of weird people here so going to the gym is no biggie. You are awesome and like, totally buff. You could run circles around the rest of us lol.
